"facta quidem igitur vivendi gratia, existens autem gratia bene vivendi"
"Born with regard to life, but existing essentially with regard to the good life" (Aristotle's quotation in Giorgio Agamben's Homo Sacer, page 2).We know and live in the World where is familiar, yet strange rhythm exposes every minute since we born and tied with something. The 'politics or politik' as a term of human being's innovative construction has been overemphasized since the Classical period. According to Aristotle, a great Greek philosoher, described the human beings, as a ' living animal with the additional capacity for political existence.' But the main problematic struggling in our world until nowadays that our constructing attempts reflected by the word or term is now converting our narration on the way of our creativity. Many people pretend the politics and state having solid relationship by putting the equation, as these two terms are casual of another one. After state has originated, the politics becomes inevitably coincidence with the narrative management and consideration on the way of living (bios). The concept of sovereignty and the "State Power" sprang the eminent roles in many aspect, in such a way, occasionally, we cannot catch up with, or, even classify the criterion surrounded ourselves. Human beings is in an awkward predicament, as if the imaginative creator had been confused with the own masterpiece and always fell asleep, until decision was made and its consequence is now returning in the other round of vital circle.
Human beings, both of man, and, especially for woman always been tied with something existing out there beyond them. As a product of politics leads to many interpretations and inquiries until now. In the traditional way of perceiving state power via the concrete lens is encoded by juridical and institutional state based. Michel Foucault, a post-structuralist pioneer, is very active during his lifetime to propose the movement of emancipation of the traditional approach, especially, the lens perceiving the politics based on juridico-institutional models. Foucault comes up with the concept of 'Bio-politic,' tried to analyse the ways of human shaping this political regime rather than looking on the existing model as a one side of view. He suggested the political "double-bind" in which it constituted by individualization and the simultaneous totalization of strucetures of modern power. In other hand, Foucault drew a distinct lines between political objectivism and individual subjectivism; the study of political techniques with which state assumes and integrates the care of the natural life of individuals into its center, and the technologies of the self by which processes of subjectivization bring the individual into bind himself to his own identity and consciousness and external power. But there are many arguments later on about how to separately focus one of specific line while separate the another one.
Besides of State and Politics, also have the neutral domains playing a role variously in the democratic organizing system. The religious, economic, cultural, legal, and scientific domain are the antitheses of political one. Politics has no definite distinction that we can tangibly measure like locale of other domains; legally just versus unjust, economic benefit and non-profit, scientific success or failed labs, or etc. The politics can be narrowly settled in some distinction between friend and enemy, this sense provides the demarcation of strange alien and internal grouping. By implicit, as Schmit stated, the phenomenon of the political can be understood only in the context of the ever present possibility of the friend-and enemy grouping, regardless of the aspects which this possibility implies for morality, aesthetics, and economics. 'War' is the existential negation of enemy as long as this divisible enemy remains valid. And war can originate internally within an organized unit as civil war, and externally armed combat between organized political entities. But it is not the aim or purpose, nor the content of the politics as well. Nevertheless, this criterion of the friend-and enemy distinction is not implies directly for the durable enemy or forever friend as state posting in the system, only possible when neutrality overcomes. Moreover, it has more complexity when other antitheses, especially, the religion, came jointly in the tendency of the political context in sophisticated hybridization or whenever the line get blurred. It exhibits the decisive friend-or-enemy constellation pursued by other antitheses intertwining. There 'purity' become contaminated and it does not occur recently in this age of Global Capitalist World. But it has been culminated for long time, one of an example is 'Crusade War,' the longest conflicts initiated the enormous devastation at the end. The main root of this war actually originated from the divergent of religious motivation and faith of believers. But how come the religion could lead the people to combat and kill each others, there also had deep-rooted factor. For sure, we cannot one hundred said that it has no related with other domains (esp. political and balancing of power including state's interest). Politics jumped in and played a role for long time, up til now, terrorist movements become one threatened the world rather than the conventional and civil wars. I assume that there are many terrorist groups that see the state or other entities as the evil in which should be utterly destroyed, and they proud to be a God heaven knight as there strong believes. One of them, I fellow, is "Jemaah Islamiyah (JI)," a radical Islamist, operated mainly in this Southeast Asia and have connection with the al-Qaeda. This terrorist group has main object against the colonial dominance, we may see some correlations among this event and the war in the past. There are not purely one motivation to attack others. As though, the complexity seemed to be distinct one in the way that several pejorative implications or actions of human beings has articulated within the field of separatism and core division, we-ness and they-ness. The field that was obviously influenced from political interpretation, the religion as an example of loosing-pureness and was contaminated whenever political has strong intrusive power equipped new weapons and acquired the new incentives to overwhelm the other antitheses, or have strong thereto such as from linking networks and technological innovations.
"A completely pacified globe, would be a world without the distinction of friend and enemy and hence a world without politics"(Schmit's The Concept of the Political, page 35).
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